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We facilitate breakthroughs

In a world in transition, continuous transformation is necessary for an organisation to survive and realise its purpose. It requires breakthroughs in thoughts and actions.

De Transformatie Groep has been facilitating breakthroughs in the field of strategy, leadership and team development for more than a decade. We do this using our proven TransformationDialogue method, with trust and safety as a basis and nature as a powerful co-facilitator.

A selection of our clients

How we work

We facilitate breakthroughs in the search for new insights and real commitment. Our approach is The TransformationDialogue method, which can be applied in 1-on-1 conversations, group sessions and large-scale interventions for the entire organisation. First and foremost, we build trust and safety. This brings the real issues to the table and enables us to work together towards a breakthrough. We take leaders and teams outside as much as possible. For a few hours, a day or a multi-day trail. In nature everything is connected, which strengthens the search for ourselves, each other and mutual connection.


We focus on three core products: Strategy, Leadership and Team Development.

Learn more about what we do
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De Transformatiegroep

Gebouw IJdock, IJdok 31
1013 MM Amsterdam

+ 31(0)20 530 53 40
