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Book: Why Should I Trust You?

Partners Derk Egeler, Joost Manassen & Maikel Batelaan jointly wrote this innovative management book about trust as an indispensable foundation within every team and every organisation.

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The key for every business relationship, organisation and society
Smooth collaboration is ideal of every organisation but is not that easy to reach. After all, there are complex problems that need to be solved all the time. Many leaders then react impulsively: they flee or they fight. We increasingly see leaders who choose the solution that lies exactly in between: they create trust.

Based on personal experiences at the heart of a large number of leading organisations, the authors of this book show what trust is really worth in a business context. What trust can add to innovative teams. How to have a conversation with someone else to build trust. How talent blossoms.

Without trust, problems often remain unresolved. Trust leads to a better society, a more successful organisation and happier employees.

Curious about the rest of our book? Read a review from Financieel Dagblad here.

Podcast: Leaders into wild

In Leaders Into the Wild, father and son Boy and Niek van Droffelaar talk about their wilderness experiences. Together they explore the impact of nature on leadership.

In the podcast, theory and practice meet: Boy is a retired corporate executive and facilitator at the Foundation for Natural Leadership. He recently obtained his PhD on this subject from Wageningen University & Research. Niek is a partner at De Transformatie Groep.

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Podcast: Maikel Batelaan as guest at Trust Talk

Maikel Batelaan, partner at De Transformatie Groep and co-author of the book ? Why should I trust you? talks in the English podcast Trust Talk about the importance of trust in organisations and how to deal with distrust.

Distrust blocks the basic performance of teams and makes employees very unhappy in their private lives. In these situations, it is first and foremost important to identify the ‘elephant in the room’ and discuss the real issues. Maikel discusses the origins of distrust and describes the process of restoring trust.

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De Transformatiegroep

Gebouw IJdock, IJdok 31
1013 MM Amsterdam

+ 31(0)20 530 53 40
